The God

The God

Friday, March 2, 2007

Random Thoughts and other stuff

This week has been a week from hell...LOL...OK so it wasn't that bad but my Multivariate Statistics midterm certainly made it feel that way! But it's over and done with...can't stress it any more and won't. The midterm is the reason I haven't posted all now I'm ready to get caught up. This post has no real rhyme nor reason...just random thoughts.
First random thought...and if you have a good answer...PLEASE SHARE! Why is it that the older we get, time seems to go by faster and faster? I mean it just seems like yesterday that we were starting the spring semester and here it is...Spring Break!

Random thought about TV...I was watching some re-airings of the show Star Trek: Voyager this week. One episode brought the crew of Voyager to a planet where the entire population was made up of telepaths. In their desire to rid their society of violence, the telepaths outlawed violent thought because they believed that violent thoughts led to violent behavior. The episode intrigued me because on the surface, their society seemed very advanced and enlightened. Yet underneath there was more going on. First, the governments involvement...if an individual did have a violent thought, they were immediately "rehabilitated" by having the violent thought eradicated from their memory ingrams. How enlightened were they truly if they allowed their citizens to be subjected to such a procedure which, in a way, was a violent, torturous method of trying to prevent violence? Second, when something is outlawed for the good of a people, then a void must be filled. These enlightened people began dealing in blackmarket violent thoughts. There were pushers who would sell the thoughts to anyone who would pay. The entire episode, to me, was a brilliant look at our own society's history, current events, and future.

Next random thought...Tomorrow night (3/3) we can expect a full moon AND a total lunar eclipse visible in VA from moonrise (approximately 6 PM) until around 8 PM. This has to mean something cosmic for those of us who are attuned to lunar magick/energies. I wonder...good or bad?
This reminds me of a conversation I had with my then 7-year old godson last summer. We were outside and the moon was full and bright. I referred to the moon as "she" and he corrected me that the moon is not female. Tempted as I was, I chose not to try and explain to him that the moon has long been referred to as "she" because, to many, the moon is symbolic of the Goddess. I'm sure his methodist minister would have me taken out and beaten if I tried teaching about the Goddess. It amazes me how so many enlightened Christians refuse to acknowledge that the Goddess has a place even in their history. But, I cannot blame them since the knowledge of the Christian Goddess, Sophia (, has been all but eradicated by a patriarchal regime. I wonder, are Gnostic Christians considered heretics for wanting to know and teach truth? Are they wrong in believing that knowledge will bring enlightenment?

Random lyric insertion...OK...maybe not so random considering the last paragraph...the lyrics are from Tori Amos' "Original Sinsuality"

There was a garden

In the beginning

Before the fall

Before Genesis

There was a tree there

A tree of knowledge

Sophia would insist

You must eat of this

Original sin?

No, I don't think so

Original sinsuality

Original sin?

No, it should be

Original sinsuality

Original sin?

No, I don't think so

Original sinsuality



I'm calling you


You are not alone

I say

You are not alone

In your darkness

You are not alone


You are not alone

Next Random tidbit...I want to go back to Arizona! I was just outside here and the sky is beautifully blue and cloudless. I was reminded of Arizona where the sky is so much bluer than it is here. I highly recommend that everyone visit Sedona, Arizona at least once...but let me tell you, if you go once you WILL want to go back. I have yet to find a more beautiful, energized, spiritual place than I found in Sedona.

Final Randomness for now...I love movies and, yet, I rarely find myself compelled to watch them on the big screen. But, occasionally, some movies come along that I have to see on the big screen. The last three that I remember going to see in a theater were Brokeback Mountain, Xmen: The Last Stand and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Yet, now there are two movies out in March 2007 alone that I will see on the big screen and they are Zodiac (not only is one of my favorite actors, Jake Gyllenhaal, in it but the story fascinates me) and 300 ( ...judging from the trailers alone, I will be blown away by this movie). There are several movies scheduled to open this summer that will also draw me to the the cinema: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Spiderman 3 ( I have a thing for superhero movies), and The Reaping.

In conclusion...I warned you this post would be random. Did I lie? Maybe it is the midterm...maybe it is the sinues infection I have...maybe it is just me, but I'm feeling very random today. This weekend is going to be a retreat for me. I need to rest, relax, and re-center myself. I do not think it is a coincidence that there is a full moon AND a lunar eclipse this weekend. I asked earlier in the post if this cosmic event would bring good or bad...I know it will bring good! So take the time, this weekend, to enjoy yourself. Relax and live in the moment. Avoid all stress, if possible, and reflect on what and who you hold dear!


KatiaRomanoff said...

Ah yes, the Christian Goddess how we miss her. She is perhaps the key to the evolution of Christianity, She can take Christianity to the next level of maturity, awareness, etc., if only the mainstreamers would stop calling her "of the devil." Other Christian Goddesses are Magdalene and Mother Mary. Both may have been incarnations of Sophia who came to walk the earth with and to assist, the incarnation of God (Jesus).

The moon. So inspiring. The ancient Hebrew holiday of Purim is this weekend, too. It is the story of Esther aka Ishtar and the escape from genocide.

I like your random thoughts and song lyrics, by the way! Your point about Gnostic Christians is spot on. Alternative Christians and esoteric Christians (I consider myself a mix of all three)all try to look within and without for enlightenment. Both Pythagoras and Jesus taught that the Kingdom is within. Hey, and Buddha too!

It's unanimous then.


Esoteric Mystery School

m said...

I'm watching the eclipse as I type. I wish you were here with me.

Love you and miss you.

Call me!

The Goddess

The Goddess


The earth is a living, conscious being. In company with cultures of many different times and places, we name these things as sacred: air, fire, water, and earth.

Whether we see them as the breath, energy, blood, and body of the Mother, or as the blessed gifts of a Creator, or as symbols of the interconnected systems that sustain life, we know that nothing can live without them.

To call these things sacred is to say that they have a value beyond their usefulness for human ends, that they themselves become the standards by which our acts, our economics, our laws and our purposes must be judged. No one has the right to appropriate them or profit from them at the expense of others. Any government that fails to protect them forfeits its legitimacy.

All people, all living things, are part of the earth life, and so are sacred. No one of us stands higher or lower than any other. Only justice can assure balance: only ecological balance can sustain freedom. Only in freedom can that fifth sacred thing we call spirti flourish in its full diversity.

To honor the sacred is to create conditions in which nourishment, sustenance, habitat, knowledge, freedom, and beauty can thrive. To honor the sacred is to make love possible.

To this we dedicate our curiosity, our will, our courage, our silences, and our voices. To this we dedicate our lives.

Taken from The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk